# RE: Bizarre Argument Against Open Source Software ## ᚱᛖ: ᚢᛏᛚᛖᚾᛞᛁᛋᚳᛖ ᚱᚪᚳᚢ ᛒᛖᛋᚹᚱᛁᚳᚦ ᚷᛖᚷᛖᚩᛈᛖᚾᛖᛞᛖ ᚳᚱᚫᚠᛏᛋᛈᚱᚫᚳᛖ ## (Utlendisce Racu Bespricþ Gegeopenede Cræftspræce) That title took some creativity to translate. This particular gemlog is in reply to a post by Wirthslaw regarding recent events in the FOSS sphere, which can be viewed here [1]. - Whenever one comes across anything 'bizarre', as you put it, such as this, one should contemplate whom would benefit if the circumstance in question were carried to its conclusion, and whether or not the issue itself feels as if it's organic or not. More than ever, these days, where one man can lead an army of falsified accounts, or even programs themselves, both are more critical than ever. "Astroturfing" to those more versed in duplicitous social media tactics. What I'm saying is that I wouldn't be surprised if this vulnerability were being exploited as a fracture point by those behind proprietary software. Considering that at least one major player in that sphere had some incredibly pointed comments regarding competition [2], something to the nature of: >"Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches," - Steve Balmer They recanted it later, but we hardly need reason to doubt the word of Microsoft. Else, we'd not be on Gemini. Open source software is probably one of the largest threats to the technology conglomerates of today, I would imagine they'll take every measure possible, most likely covertly, to exploit any and every lapse in public opinion that happens to bear fruit. As aforementioned, those already in the know are already enlightened of the fallacies, to those without it is not so certain. We'll have to see how that goes, but don't get pulled into fruitlessly arguing strawmen when both the scarecrow and the churls assailing it are liable to be tied to the same hand. Such is the way of the modern internet, but social media especially. ### ⇒ Links => //wirthslaw.flounder.online/gemlog/2021-12-14-against-open-source.gmi => https://www.theregister.com/2001/06/02/ballmer_linux_is_a_cancer/